What Is The Eightfold Path Of Yoga?

Eightfold path of Yoga in your life? Yoga offers us a holistic approach to life, connecting our bodies, minds and souls.

It can help bring together the varied aspects of ourselves. It can help on our journey towards reaching one shared goal – true harmony within ourselves.

Video – 8 Limbs of Yoga

What Is The Eightfold Path Of Yoga?

Through the paths of Indian philosophy, we can access our true identity. A unified sense of self that transcends simplistic exercises and encourages deeper exploration.

By delving into these pathways, we find strength in diversity. We discover oneness amidst many approaches to life.

Many roads can lead to the same destination, but each journey begins different. From Hatha and Bhakti Yoga to Karma paths.

All were preparatory steps for those seeking ultimate knowledge through Jnana Yoga. All were ordained.

Whether their purpose is purification or enlightenment. These varied methods serve a common goal. Finding true wisdom in its highest form.

The Eight Paths Of Yoga / Canva

The Eight Paths Of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian spiritual practice aimed at achieving physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

The paths of yoga are diverse, reflecting different approaches to attain self-realization, inner peace, and harmony.

While there are many interpretations and variations, the primary paths of yoga are:

  1. Raja Yoga. Also known as the “Royal Path” or the “King of Yoga,” Raja Yoga focuses on meditation and self-discipline. It is based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It emphasizes the Eight Limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) to achieve Samadhi (self-realization).
  2. Jnana Yoga. The “Path of Knowledge” is also called “Wisdom Yoga.” It centers on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom to achieve self-realization. This path involves deep self-inquiry, reflection, and contemplation. It helps to discern the true nature of reality and the self.
  3. Bhakti Yoga. Known as the “Path of Devotion”. Bhakti Yoga is a spiritual path. It emphasizes love, devotion, and surrender to a personal deity or the Divine. Practitioners of Bhakti Yoga seek to cultivate a deep connection with the Divine. They do this through chanting, prayer, rituals, and selfless service.
  4. Karma Yoga. The “Path of Selfless Action” focuses on performing one’s duties and actions. Without attachment to the fruits or outcomes of those actions. This path encourages individuals to engage in selfless service, compassion, and humility. It purifies the mind and ego in the process.
  5. Hatha Yoga. This is the most widely practiced form of yoga in the world. Often associated with physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation. Hatha Yoga aims to balance the body, mind, and energy. This creates a solid foundation for spiritual growth.
  6. Tantra Yoga. This esoteric path of yoga is centered on rituals, mantras, and visualization techniques. They are used to awaken and balance the energies within the body. Tantra Yoga aims to unite the individual self with the Universal Consciousness. It often explores aspects of spirituality, sensuality, and self-awareness.
  7. Kriya Yoga. The “Path of Action” or “Yoga of Techniques” involves a series of purification techniques. Breath control, and meditation practices. These aim to speed up spiritual growth. Paramahansa Yogananda made this path popular. It aims to achieve self-realization by activating energy channels within the body.
  8. Kundalini Yoga: This form of yoga focuses on awakening the dormant spiritual energy, Kundalini. It is located at the base of the spine. Practitioners combine physical postures, breath control, meditation, and chanting. They seek to raise energy through the chakras. This leads to a state of higher consciousness and self-realization.

These paths of yoga can be practiced or in combination. It depends on one’s goals, preferences, and spiritual inclinations.

All of these paths aim to achieve inner peace, self-realization, and union with the Divine.

Eight Fold Path of Yoga / Canva
Eight Fold Path of Yoga