
Hello and welcome to NewCritics.com. My name is Markus. I am a Yoga practitioner. I am also trained in Clinical Hypnosis and Theta Healing.

NewcriticsOn NewCritics.com I collect information about yoga, meditation, holistic lifestyle, coaching and health.

After my burnout 15 years ago, I set out in search of a new life. This led me via clinical hypnosis and ThetaHealing to yoga. In particular to Pranayama.

During the time I was staying with a healer (Stephen Turoff), I started doing daily pranayama.

The daily pranayama exercises have proven to be the most effective health remedy for me. I am now 70 years old and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life.

Stephen taught us a variation of pranayama, that I call Power Pranayama. Over the years, I have expanded the exercises and adapted them to my needs.

For example, I have combined the eye exercises with stretching. Yes, it sounds crazy, but it works. Pranayama is my absolute insider tip.

Now enjoy NewCritics.com


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