Tag: #yoga

Can Yoga Harm You? Shocking Truths Exposed

Can yoga cause real problems? Yoga’s dark side is a centuries-old subject of controversy. In recent years, it has gained even more attention. Yogis are...

How Gemstones Can Elevate Your Yoga Routine

Why Yoga with crystals and gemstones? Practicing yoga with crystals and gemstones can enhance your energy. It brings balance to your body. Each crystal has...

Unleash Your Potential with Body Yoga

What is Body Yoga? Body Yoga mixes yoga poses, breathwork, and meditation. It aims to boost physical, mental, and spiritual health. Body Yoga uses the...

What Are The 4 Main Yoga Bandhas?

What are the four main bandhas in yoga? The four main bandhas are special yoga moves. That lock energy inside our body. They include Mula...