How To Do Yoga Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)
Yoga Handstand, also known as Adho Mukha Vrksasana in Sanskrit. Looking to add some excitement and challenge to your yoga practice? Look no further than...
How To Do Garland Pose (Malasana)
Garland Pose, also known as Malasana in Sanskrit. This pose is a great way to open up your hips and lower back while also building strength...
99 Holistic Lifestyle Ideas
Are you looking for ways to bring more balance into your life? Having a holistic lifestyle is key to finding mental, physical and spiritual well-being....
The Healing Power of the Breath Review
Through their book “The Healing Power of the Breath,” Dr. Richard P. Brown and Dr. Patricia L. Gerbarg unravel the science behind breathing, revealing a...
How To Do Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III) Pose
Warrior 3, also known as Virabhadrasana III, is a powerful and dynamic yoga pose that is sure to challenge both your body and mind. This...
The Body Keeps the Score Review
In Bessel van der Kolk’s acclaimed book “The Body Keeps the Score”, readers are provided with an inspirational look at how they too can heal...
Yoga For TMJ If You Have A Painful Jaw
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders pertain to conditions affecting the jaw joints as well as the surrounding muscles and ligaments. It could be because of trauma,...
Balance Yoga : Finding Stability and Inner Balance?
How does balance yoga help you achieve stability? Do the asanas also help you achieve inner balance? Once closely examined, our balance is not a...
Sleeping On Yoga Mat – Try These Tips!
Can you sleep on a yoga mat? Your yoga mat isn’t only for practicing yoga. It can even be a mat you sleep on. There...
Hair Growth Through Meditation?
Does hair growth through meditation really work? Harnessing the power of meditation has long been known to bring harmony and balance into our lives. Its...