How To Do Gate Pose (Parighasana)

Gate Pose or Parighasana in Sanskrit, is a beautiful blend of strength, flexibility, and balance. It opens up the side body, stretches the hips, and...

Yoga And Mudras

Uncover the power of mudras, sacred hand and finger gestures used in yoga and meditation! In this article, discover the purposeful history behind them as...

Funny Yoga Facts (Videos)

Yoga is the Only Place Where Being Twisted is a Good Thing Have you ever thought about how peculiar yoga can be? You walk into...

How To Do Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Corpse Pose, also known as Savasana in Sanskrit, is the ultimate invitation to let go of stress, tension, and worries, allowing your body and mind. As...

Yoga And Dance

For centuries, India has celebrated the life science of Yoga and its art form of dance as a powerful combination that drives balance in body,...

How To Do Camel Yoga Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel Pose or Ustrasana in Sanskrit, is a great way to open up your heart, stretch your spine and shoulders, and build strength in your...