Uncovering the Link between National Happiness and Life Expectancy

Link between National Happiness and Life Expectancy / Canva

What is the the link between national happiness and life expectancy? No secret that a country’s health and well-being has an effect on life expectancy.

But what about its happiness? Is there any link between countries’ overall joy level with how long their citizens live?

Happiness can cover various elements such as physical health, emotional well-being, financial stability and social support structures.

All things which may impact one’s length of life. Taking these aspects into account might help determine whether contentment has causal implications for longer lifespans or not.

In this blog post, we’ll be examining if there is any potential relationship between national joy and longevity of people in it.

We will check out research from around the world. To figure out how quality of living, economic stabilityand social support networks. Can affect both citizen’s contentment level as well as lifespan.

Plus, we shall also go deep into methods which governments could use to better collective wellbeing. By focusing on mental health activities or making healthcare available more conveniently etc.

For improving general pleasure among all individuals who are part of such nations! Let’s jump right in together to find more facts related to this interesting topic!

Concept of Happy Countries and Life Expectancy / Canva

Exploring the Concept of Happy Countries and Life Expectancy

No one can deny that life expectancy is a significant indicator of the overall health and well-being of a nation. But what if there was something more than just physical health?

Could it be possible that there’s some kind of link between life expectancies and general happiness?

It may seem improbable at first. However research suggests otherwise. To get to know this concept better, researchers decided to investigate the notion of ‘happy countries’.

The World Happiness Report, conducted by Gallup every year, ranks 156 countries according to their level of happiness and well-being.

This data has been utilized by researchers as they investigate the correlation between happy nations and life expectancy.

One research unearthed that people living in happier states tend to live longer than those residing in more dismal countries on average.

It’s suggesting a strong link between contentment or joy with longevity.

What this means is that having an optimistic outlook may be beneficial for individuals. Since it can lead them to have healthier lifestyles. Thus resulting into greater lifespan outcomes over time!

Given the findings, it seems that people who report higher levels of happiness are living longer. What’s more, this result stayed true even when taking into consideration factors.

Like income, level of education and access to healthcare services. As well as other socio-economic variables. Factors which can often impact one’s lifespan outcomes.

Yet while all these indicators point in a certain direction. We must be careful not to say too much until further research has been done on the matter.

Just because some things appear correlated doesn’t always mean there is an actual causal link between them.

In truth then perhaps those whose longevity appears long owe their cheerfulness. Simply due to having lots of free time on their hands. Or being able spend quality moments with friends and family.

But without delving deeper at least for now any conclusion remains speculative only?

Relation between Longevity and Happiness / Canva

Relation between Longevity and Happiness

Explanation of the Chart:

The presented chart is a horizontal bar graph illustrating the life expectancy of the top 60 happiest countries. As determined by the 2021 World Happiness Report. The life expectancy data is sourced from the World Bank’s 2019 records.

Each bar corresponds to the life expectancy of a specific country, measured in years. At the top of the chart, we have Finland, recognized as the happiest country, while at the bottom, in the 60th position, we find Russia.

Relation between Longevity and HappinessA general trend can be discerned from the chart. Happier countries tend to exhibit higher life expectancies.

Nonetheless, there are exceptions to this trend. Suggesting that while happiness and life expectancy are interrelated. They can be influenced by an array of socioeconomic and health factors.

This visual representation serves as a valuable tool. For swiftly identifying and comparing longevity across the world’s happiest countries.

Offering insights into the variations and similarities in life expectancy among them.

Longevity in Happier Nations / Canva

Understanding Longevity in Happier Nations

Doing our best to live a long, healthy and happy life is an ambition that many of us have. But how much influence does the country we reside in play on this?

Could it be said there is indeed a link between longevity and happiness within countries around the world?

To explore this further let’s take a closer look. At what factors make for happier nations. Which could affect their citizen’s life expectancy.

In nations with a greater emphasis on healthcare, nutrition and education. It stands to reason that citizens tend to live longer lives.

This is very much the case in countries like Norway or Denmark. Who put policies in place which promote happiness amongst its people.

In these places generous welfare programs are commonplace. There’s an abundance of educational opportunities.

Both factors contributing heavily towards high salaries across many sectors. It’s leading their inhabitants into more comfortable lifestyles.

Than those elsewhere around the globe could only dream of having.

Moreover mental health initiatives don’t go overlooked either. Since stress-related illnesses can drastically affect life expectancy. As well as quality of life itself, governments here recognise this fact

Some taking proactive steps where they see fit so issues such as anxiety or depression slope off before wreaking further havoc on their populace.

Yoga and Meditation has an Impact / Canva

Yoga and Meditation has an Impact?

When you look at Japan, it has amazingly low rates of depression. Which is largely due to its culture where emotional health and well-being are strongly emphasized.

Activities like meditation or yoga practice have become widely popular all over the country. From cities to villages alike.

This shows how investing in mental/emotional wellbeing can significantly decrease psychological issues among people of a certain nation.

Moving forward though. Governments should also invest on public safety initiatives. That could help reduce exposure their citizens may face from unsafe environments or toxins.

That might be harmful for their overall physical health and longevity rate. As a whole population group down the line.

Investment not only needs to focus on our mental state. But also protecting us against potential dangers outside so we can live longer healthier lives with peace of mind!

In places such as Finland, there has been a dedicated effort to create cleaner energy sources for citizens. In order to protect them from the air pollutants. So prominent in industrialized parts of the world.

These areas can present huge health hazards if not tackled by respective governments, respiratory illnesses being one example. But longevity isn’t just limited concern when it comes to good physical health.

Mental well-being and social stability are also essential pieces of this puzzle too!

Not forgetting economic security, environmental protection efforts. All these attributes play an integral part in why certain populations live longer than others around the globe.

Top 60 Happiest Countries / Canva

Top 60 Happiest Countries

Here’s a horizontal bar chart showing the top 60 happiest countries in 2021, with the happiest country (Finland) at the top. And the 60th country (Russia) at the bottom.

The chart provides a visual representation of the rankings, making it easier to compare countries.

Top 60 Happiest CountriesConnection between Quality Life and National Happiness

It seems like people have long been wondering if countries with higher life expectancies were actually any happier. Than those that don’t. So what’s the deal?

Is there a real correlation between happiness and quality of life? It depends on how each person views joy.

Research has revealed that where an economy is flourishing, inhabitants tend to be more content overall. This suggests economic prosperity can likely lead to increased feelings of bliss nationwide.

On the flip side, there are a lot of other aspects that contribute to overall well-being. Things like access to education, healthcare and civil rights have an influence on national contentment too.

How would things be different if we had unlimited resources for all these matters? It’s something worth considering!

To get a real understanding of based happiness levels in any given country though. Most researchers point towards the Human Development Index (HDI) as being useful indicator.

This HDI combines elements such health, educational opportunities and standard living into one score per nation. It’s allowing us to accurately reflect feelings at large scale level.

Rather than just relying on individual reports or ‘gut feeling’ metrics

It’s evident that countries with higher Human Development Index (HDI) scores. They have increased levels of happiness among their citizens.

This is mainly due to them having more access to essential resources like healthcare and education. As well as a better quality of life. This includes improved sanitation and housing.

Social policies are also key in creating feelings of contentment amongst the nation’s population.

Taxation laws or welfare programs designed to help those disadvantaged by society. For instance can result in greater equality between its inhabitants. Which leads directly towards happier people overall on a national level.

Top 30 Countries With Highest Life Expectancy

Top 30 Countries With Highest Life ExpectancyCase Studies: High Life Expectancy in Happy Countries

The concept that countries with higher levels of happiness tend to have higher life expectancies has been debated for years. Despite the lack of a definite answer.

There is strong evidence suggesting such an association between these two factors.

Consequently, numerous studies were carried out recently in order to investigate this idea further. One example was conducted by researchers from University of Pennsylvania in 2017.

Which surveyed data collected from 300 thousand individuals residing across 178 nations. The compared it against their scores on Gallup’s annual World Poll survey regarding satisfaction levels.

The results demonstrated a distinctive link between life expectancy and happiness.

Countries which had higher enjoyment levels were seen to have longer lifespans than those with lower contentment. This idea is also backed up by research into particular case studies from all over the world.

To give you an example. Costa Rica has repeatedly been rated as one of most cheerful nations based on Gallup’s World Poll for several years.

Its people similarly take pleasure in one of longest life expectancies worldwide at 81 years typically.

Costa Rica Life Expectancy / Canva

Likewise, Norway is known as being a very happy country based on different surveys and has an average life expectancy of 82 years.

One year more than Costa Rica’s despite its colder climate which could be linked to shorter lifespans due its long-term effects on human health and well-being.

Why does Norway manage to outlast Costa Rica in terms of lifespan? Could it simply be that the Norwegian people make better lifestyle choices. Compared to those living in other countries such as Costa Rica?

The answer may remain unclear. But what we know for sure is that Norwegians have access to quality healthcare systems.

While also existing under the backdrop of much lower temperatures than their Latin American counterparts!

It’s quite clear from the evidence. That there is a strong relationship between people’s happiness and their lifespan. However it doesn’t necessarily mean being happy causes or contributes to longer life.

Instead what this suggests is that certain conditions in “happy countries” act as conducive factors for overall better health outcomes. Which can lead to increased longevity.

These conditions include but are not limited to access of quality healthcare services and economic stability. Also low crime rate, high education attainment level and having an overall sense of safety and security.

Even though more research needs done on understanding the full extent of relationship between these two – happiness & lifespan – available evidence points towards a significant connection existing among them. Don’t you think so?

60 Countries With Highest Life Expectancy / Canva

Top 31 – 60 Countries With Highest Life Expectancy


Top 31 - 60 Countries With Highest Life ExpectancyFactors Influencing Longevity in Happiest Countries

It’s widely accepted that countries with happier citizens usually have longer life expectancies. Some of these content nations reach up to 80 or more years. So what is behind this correlation between happiness and lifespan?

And could we use it as a reference to extend our own lives? Healthcare seems to be an influencing factor in the longevity of any country.

Good quality healthcare systems appear essential for living long healthy lives.

It’s providing better access and coverage on vital treatments, preventive screenings every year etc., enabling people from all over society obtain suitable medical care when needed.

In countries with strong healthcare systems, mortality rates and life expectancies tend to be lower. Than those without these. This could largely come from the availability of medical treatments.

It shapes up into a positive cycle where improved access to better quality care increases citizens’ wellbeing. Leading them onto longer lives. Of course, lifestyle choices also play an important role here too!

People who inhabit the happiest countries tend to make healthier decisions. When it comes to their diet, activity levels, smoking or drinking habits and so on. It’s resulting in longer lives than those living elsewhere.

This can be attributed not only by individual choice but also due to cultural standards. For instance many cultures within Scandinavia are known for having diets rich with fish, vegetables and other natural items.

As opposed to processed foods high in fat or sugar. Which may lead to weight gain alongside other health issues. If consumed too often over a long period of time.

We must take into consideration environmental factors like air quality or pollution rates that impact longevity. Both positively through clean air.

But also negatively because of hazardous materials entering atmosphere from burning fossil fuels/industrial activities etc.

Locations with more airborne pollutants will usually have poorer public health outcomes. Compared with places where efforts are made against contamination.

Something many content nations consider seriously while deciding upon upholding wellbeing policies towards upcoming generations.

To sum up, the research highlights a strong link between happy countries and life expectancy. Quality of life, national contentment and length are all elements that play an integral part in how long people live for.

When these three considerations come together. It is likely that those places with greater levels of joy have higher lifespans.

This indicates that improving overall happiness could be something worth considering. If we want to grow our average lifespan as well. Is this such an outrageous idea? It doesn’t seem so!

Datasource: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ritresearch/happydb

National Happiness and Life Expectancy / Canva
National Happiness and Life Expectancy