Gardening Yoga: Would You Try This?
Gardening is a lot of fun! However, sometimes, because of the work that goes into it, you could suffer from neck pain, back pain, and hip pain. So, if you are into gardening and you want to avoid having these pain points, check out the video below. Gardening yoga is what you need to start right away!
Esther writes in the comments:
Thank you Olga! I love your videos, the instructions are always so clear and careful. ????
This 20-minute gardening yoga routine will help you loosen your neck and upper back, increase circulation to your lower back, relive tension in your hips, and strengthening the muscles that support the knees. It is best to do this gardening yoga routine after you get some work done in your garden!
Gardening Yoga 20-Minute Routine
To start, stand with your feet about hip-distance apart. Bring your arms to your sides and towards the sky. Upon the exhale, gradually bend your knees and place your chest over your thighs. Go back to the standing position again and do this three times to activate your muscles as you go through the gardening yoga routine.
You will do two more poses while standing. Check out the video to see the yoga poses that you need to do!
After the standing yoga poses, you will get down on your knees on a table top position. Do some cat cows before transitioning to child’s pose.
Watch the rest of the video to see the rest of the yoga poses that you need to do for this 20-minute gardening yoga routine!

What Are The Benefits Of Gardening Yoga?
Gardening yoga is a relatively new practice that combines the ancient art of gardening with the calming effects of yoga and mindfulness. Gardening yoga is an excellent way to relax, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve your overall mental health.
Physical Benefits Of Gardening Yoga
The physical benefits of gardening yoga are quite extensive as well. The physical movements involved in gardening such as bending, squatting, lifting, and carrying provide beneficial aerobic exercise which helps to keep our hearts healthy.
Additionally, it can help with flexibility and muscle strength while helping us stay in shape.
Meditative Benefits
The meditative nature of gardening allows an individual to tune out distractions and focus their attention on their breath and the task at hand.
This type of mindful meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels while allowing those who practice it to be more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Gardening also provides an opportunity to connect with nature in a special way, something which we could all use more often.
Because gardening requires little technology or equipment, it is accessible to most everyone regardless of age or location; making it especially great for people who may have limited access to traditional wellness practices such as yoga or meditation classes.
For example, if you live in a rural area where these services are not available or you don’t have the time or money for traditional classes then gardening yoga could be a great option for you!
Environmental Impact
Finally, the environmental impact that comes from practicing this activity shouldn’t go unnoticed either!
Not only do gardens reduce soil erosion but they can also act as natural filters which protect local water sources from pollution while providing habitat for wildlife (such as birds).
Gardening can also be an inspiring creative outlet which can bring friends together, whether they are growing flowers together or competing to see whose garden will yield the most delicious veggies!
All-in-all gardening yoga is an incredible practice which offers both physical and mental benefits while being accessible and environmentally friendly too! So get out there and start planting – you won’t regret it!