Chakra Meditation – Unblock The 7 Chakras with Meditation

7 Chakras / CanvaHow does chakra meditation unblock the 7 chakras? Your chakras are the seven power centers of your body. When they’re blocked, it can lead to physical and emotional imbalances.

But there’s no need to worry. You can easily unblock your chakras with meditation. In just a few minutes, you’ll be feeling more balanced and centered. So let’s get started!


Why is Chakra Unblocking Important?

Our body has seven main energy centers called chakras. Each one connects to different parts of our body and feelings. When our chakras are balanced, energy flows easily, helping us feel strong and happy.

But when they’re blocked, it can cause problems like stress, sadness, or tiredness.

Keeping our chakras balanced is like keeping a car in good shape. It helps everything run smoothly. If one chakra is blocked, we might feel stuck or even have pain.

Unblocking and balancing our chakras helps us feel calm, focused, and healthy. This balance brings peace to our body and mind.

Video – How To Unblock Each Chakra

How Do Chakras Get Blocked?

Our chakras are sensitive energy centers. If we don’t take care of ourselves, they can get blocked. This isn’t just about our physical health. It’s also about how we feel and think.

Unresolved feelings, like sadness or low confidence, can block chakras too. Big life events, like losing a loved one, can leave an invisible weight on us. Even everyday things, like too much caffeine or junk food, can cause blockages without us realizing.

To keep our chakras open, we need to care for both our bodies and our emotions. Focusing on physical, emotional, and spiritual health helps us stay balanced.

When we clear out these blockages, our energy flows better, helping us feel healthy and happy again.

Chakra Meditation Infogrphic

How To Unblock Chakras With Meditation

Ready to unlock your personal energy? Then it’s important that you’re fully prepared. With the right state of mind and tools, chakra unblocking can be an incredibly restorative experience. Both physically and spiritually!

Ideas for beginning include:

  • Self-reflection or visualization techniques
  • Using crystals
  • Essential oils and incense
  • Speaking with a professional like yoga/meditation expert

Whatever best fits into your lifestyle. As always, trust what feels right. To achieve lasting progress on this unique wellness journey!

Root Chakra Meditation

Root Chakra MeditationRoot chakra meditation helps us connect to our basic energy. This chakra is located at the base of your spine and is linked to feelings of safety and stability. When it’s balanced, we feel secure and connected to ourselves and the world.

To start, sit comfortably with a straight back and relaxed arms. Close your eyes and take deep breaths from the base of your spine. Imagine a red light filling your body; this is your root chakra’s energy.

Repeat positive phrases like “I am safe” or “I am grounded” as you breathe. This keeps your focus on the root chakra if your mind starts to wander. You can say the words out loud if it helps you stay centered.

Keep breathing deeply until you feel calmer and more secure. Take 10–30 minutes to enjoy this time for yourself. When you finish, gently open your eyes and feel grateful for this moment of self-care.


Experience the powerful physical and mental benefits of Tree Pose (Vrksasana) yoga. This rooted position can open up your hips, strengthen connection with Mother Earth. Also improve balance, focus the mind and relax tension in both body and spirit. Get grounded to find inner strength.

Sacral Chakra Meditation

Sacral Chakra MeditationSacral chakra (or Svadhisthana) meditation helps us connect with our creative energy. This chakra is in the lower belly and is linked to feelings of joy, pleasure, and abundance. When balanced, it helps us feel expressive, passionate, and full of life.

To start, sit comfortably with a straight back and relaxed arms. Close your eyes and take deep breaths from your lower belly. Imagine a bright orange light filling your whole body; this is your sacral chakra’s energy.

Repeat positive phrases like “I am joyful” or “I am creative” as you breathe. This keeps your focus on the sacral chakra if your mind starts to wander. You can say these words out loud if it helps you stay focused.

Keep breathing deeply until you feel more connected to joy and creativity. Spend 10–30 minutes in this peaceful space, letting yourself relax and explore. When you finish, open your eyes slowly and feel grateful for this time spent on yourself.


A balanced energy flow is crucial for a healthy mind, body and spirit. That’s why the practice of Yoga has been gaining major steam. Combining hip-opening stretches to unlock your sacral chakra.

Unblocking stagnant energy points in order to have balance restored within oneself! Plus, gentle twists can be added into certain yoga poses for extra stimulation.

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

Solar-Plexus-Chakra MeditationSolar plexus chakra (or Manipura) meditation helps us connect to our inner power. This chakra is located near the belly button. It’s linked to feelings of confidence, self-control, and purpose. When balanced, it helps us feel strong and ready to take action.

To start, sit comfortably with a straight back and relaxed arms. Close your eyes and breathe deeply from your belly area. Imagine a bright yellow light filling your whole body—this is the energy of the solar plexus chakra.

Repeat positive words like “I am strong” or “I am in control” with each breath. This helps you stay focused on the solar plexus chakra if your mind wanders. You can say these words out loud if it helps you stay centered.

Keep breathing deeply until you feel more confident and sure of yourself. Just 10–30 minutes of this practice can help you feel better. When you’re done, open your eyes slowly and feel thankful for taking this time for yourself.


Strengthen the core of your being with yoga poses to unblock energy pathways. Unlocking yourself energetically is easy and rewarding. When you practice Warrior II and Cobra pose to tap into positive change in the solar plexus area!

Heart Chakra Meditation

Heart Chakra MeditationHeart chakra (or Anahata) meditation helps us reconnect with feelings of love and peace. This chakra is located in the center of your chest.

It’s connected to love, compassion, and balance. When it’s balanced, we can feel love for ourselves and others.

To begin, find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably with a straight back. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. As you breathe in, imagine a gentle green light glowing in your chest. This is the energy of your heart chakra.

With each breath out, let go of any tension in your body, especially around your chest. Repeat calming words like “I am full of love” or “I am open to peace” as you breathe.

This will help keep your mind focused on the heart chakra if it starts to wander.

Continue breathing deeply until you feel calm and connected to yourself and those you love. Take 10–30 minutes for this peaceful practice. When you finish, slowly open your eyes and feel thankful for this special time you’ve given to yourself.


Open your chest and heart to the energy of yoga with some gentle poses like Cobra pose and Bow pose. Allow these poses to help you realize a greater connection between body, mind, and soul!

Throat Chakra Meditation

Throat Chakra MeditationThroat Chakra (or Vishuddha) meditation helps us connect with our ability to express ourselves. This chakra is located in the neck and is connected to communication, openness, and peace.

When it’s balanced, we can speak clearly and feel understood.

To start, sit comfortably with your back straight and arms relaxed. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing on your throat. Imagine a bright blue light filling your body—this is the energy of the throat chakra.

Repeat words like “I am heard” or “I speak my truth” with each breath. This helps you stay focused on the throat chakra if your mind wanders. You can say these words out loud if it keeps you centered.

Keep breathing deeply until you feel calm and connected to your own voice. Spend 10–30 minutes in this peaceful practice. When you finish, open your eyes slowly, feeling grateful for this time of self-care.


Yoga helps us to thrive in ways both physical and emotional. Which is why Matsyasana—otherwise known as Fish Pose. It is the perfect way to open up your body.

Practiced regularly, it can help boost lung capacity while stretching the throat area. It’s making this an invaluable exercise for those who sing or deliver speeches publicly!

Third Eye Chakra Mediation

Third Eye Chakra MeditationThroat Chakra (or Vishuddha) meditation helps us connect with our intuition and inner wisdom. This chakra is located in the middle of your forehead, just above the eyebrows.

It’s connected to insight, imagination, and clarity. When balanced, it helps us see things clearly and trust our inner guidance.

To start, sit comfortably with a straight back and relaxed arms. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on the area between your eyebrows. Imagine a deep indigo light filling your mind—this is the energy of the Third Eye chakra.

Repeat phrases like “I trust my intuition” or “I see clearly” as you breathe. This helps keep your focus on the Third Eye chakra if your mind starts to wander. You can say these words out loud if it helps you stay centered.

Keep breathing deeply until you feel calm and connected to your inner thoughts. Take 10–30 minutes for this practice to enjoy the sense of peace and clarity.

When you finish, slowly open your eyes and feel grateful for this time spent reconnecting with yourself.


Ignite your spiritual senses with Candle Gazing (Trataka). An ancient practice that unlocks the powerful energy of the Third Eye Chakra.

Let a gentle flame guide you on this journey to greater focus. Allowing its subtle movements and mesmerizing light to calm your busy mind.

Embark upon this centuries-old ritual for heightened clarity, insight, and awareness!

Crown Chakra Meditation

Crown Chakra MeditationCrown Chakra (or Sahasrara) meditation helps us connect to our spirituality and wisdom. This chakra is located at the top of your head.

It’s linked to feelings of peace, unity, and understanding. When balanced, it helps us feel connected to the world around us.

To begin, sit comfortably with a straight back and relaxed arms. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on the top of your head. Imagine a bright violet light filling your body—this is the energy of the crown chakra.

Repeat phrases like “I am connected” or “I am one with all” with each breath. This keeps your focus on the crown chakra if your mind starts to wander. You can say these words out loud if it helps you stay centered.

Keep breathing deeply until you feel peaceful and connected to everything around you. Take 10–30 minutes to enjoy this special practice. When you’re done, open your eyes slowly and feel grateful for this time of self-care.


Practice yoga to tap into a higher spiritual plane! Stretch yourself with programs like Tree Pose or Downward Dog. To reach serenity as healing energy flows through.

Take it one step further by performing Shirshasana (headstand) or Balayam (finger tapping). These are exercises designed to unlock your crown chakra while allowing you to reconnect spiritually.

Chakra summary / Canva
Chakra summary


Chakra meditation is a great way to bring balance to our mind and body. After doing this simple practice, many people feel lighter, more connected to themselves, and emotionally balanced.

By focusing on each chakra, we let our energy flow freely again. This brings a feeling of harmony that helps support our health and happiness.

Regular meditation can make us stronger, so we can handle stress better. By finding stillness inside, we feel connected to a peaceful place within us that no one can take away.

Through this practice, we give ourselves the gift of kindness, understanding, and self-acceptance.


What are the benefits of chakra meditation?

Chakra meditation promotes emotional balance and mental clarity. It can enhance self-awareness and spiritual growth. Practicing regularly helps to release negative energy and stress. Ultimately, it fosters a sense of inner peace and well-being.

How can I tell if my chakras are blocked?

Signs of blocked chakras include emotional instability and fatigue. You may experience physical discomfort or chronic health issues. Difficulty in relationships or a lack of creativity can also indicate blockages. Self-reflection and mindfulness practices can help identify these feelings.

What is the order for activating chakras in meditation?

The order starts from the root chakra and moves up to the crown chakra. Begin with grounding exercises for the root chakra. Then, focus on each subsequent chakra, including sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. Spend a few minutes on each, visualizing its color and energy.

Can chakra meditation improve my daily energy?

Yes, chakra meditation can significantly boost your energy levels. By clearing blockages, it allows energy to flow freely throughout your body. Regular practice enhances overall vitality and reduces fatigue. You may notice improved focus and motivation in your daily activities.

Chakra Meditation